Breaking Barriers in Brain Health

Stopping Toxic Cascade in Neurodegeneration

Neurodegeneration involves the gradual breakdown and loss of neuron function, a hallmark of diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. In a healthy state, nerve cells efficiently receive, process, and transmit signals through their axons, the long fibers that connect to synapses. However, when these cells are damaged or stressed, they begin producing neurotoxic proteins that disrupt this communication. This leads to impaired axonal transport and a slowdown in information flow. Ultimately, the immune system targets these compromised cells, leading to their death—a process known as the toxic cascade. By targeting these harmful proteins, we can interrupt this cascade and protect nerve cells from degeneration.

Toxic Cascade

Our Solution

Buntanetap: A Next-Generation Approach to Neurodegenerative Disease

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Buntanetap (previously known as Posiphen) is a translational inhibitor of neurotoxic aggregating proteins. Different from monoclonal antibody therapies, buntanetap is an orally available small molecule with a unique mechanism of action that allows it to inhibit multiple neurotoxic proteins at once, including amyloid precursor proteins (APP), tau, αSYN, and TDP-43. Recent research has shown that multiple neurotoxic proteins are at play in all neurodegenerative diseases, and attacking only one protein has minimal effect.

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